About us

Ariège Organic birch sap

Ariège organic birch sap - a family business

"Ariège Sève de Bouleau Bio" is a small family business where 3 generations of women work together. Christine, Amandine and the 3rd generation Jade. All this small world is supported by Jean-Louis.
Our breeding of horses of Merens also takes part by cleaning our wood.

We are respectful of the soil, the trees that are there and the extraction of the sap from our birch trees. The packaging is done in our 16th century farmhouse.
Our harvest begins around February 25th and ends around April 20th.


"Ariège Sève de Bouleau Bio" is the registered name for our organic birch sap. Our birch sap is referenced by the Ecocert laboratory as organic birch sap.

Since 2021 we have obtained the High Environmental Value (HVE) which corresponds to the highest level of environmental certification of farms.

Our history with organic birch sap goes back about eight years. At that time, our organic birch water was only used by us. We did organic birch sap detoxes every year. Our personal organic birch sap cures lasted 5 to 6 weeks. In fact, as long as the trees were giving us organic birch sap, we were drinking it.

Ariege organic birch sap - situation

Ariège Organic birch sap

occitania region

Ariège organic birch sap - marketing

In 2017 we market our organic birch sap directly to individual consumers.
The particularity of our organic birch sap is that we have the LABEL PARC NATUREL RÉGIONAL DES PYRÉNÉES ARIÉGEOISES and the LABEL SUD DE FRANCE, the only ones in France to date guaranteeing a birch sap harvested 100% in the south of France.

Every year our organic birch sap is analyzed. The results of the analysis of our birch sap 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 are on our website and an article by Dr. Jacques ESTRADE is also included. Subject: "Coping with entrepreneurial stress".
Our birch sap is protected
We try to preserve the cold chain of our fresh sap as much as possible. In our woods, the tanks are covered with isothermal blankets that protect the sap from light and UV rays.

birch sap bio ariege pyrénées

Ice pack

Notre sève de bouleau est emballée dans des BIB (Bag In Box : poches conformes pour un usage alimentaire, système VITATOP) et surprotégée avec un double carton de transport. Notre sève de bouleau bio fraîche est la seule à être livrée avec un pack réfrigérant (non consommable) et d’un emballage isotherme sur mesure (réutilisable) afin qu’elle reste la plus fraîche possible… Vous pourriez avec un peu de musique de chants d’oiseau et en fermant les yeux penser boire notre eau de bouleau bio comme si elle venait de sortir de l’arbre.
birch sap bio ariege pyrénées

birch sap for Animals

Our birch sap is very appreciated by our animals. Our cat and our horses are also entitled to their detox cure. The results of the regular absorption of our birch sap by the farm animals have been so spectacular .... That we decided to create a birch sap line for animals. There is a birch sap cure for cats called MINA and a birch sap cure for horses called SABIR.

Research and development

We are also working on studies concerning the effects of birch sap on competition horses.
The LCH " Laboratoire de Contrôle Hippique de Verrière Le Buisson ", is the official control laboratory of the racing world in Europe. We have controlled the fact that it is a natural product that is NOT DOPING.


Our organic birch sap is also part of a study program on the effects that can bring our organic birch sap on HIGH LEVEL SPORTS PEOPLE (We are labeled SPORT PROTECT as well as NEGATIVE TO DOPING). The organic birch sap can help recovery, it can also destroy some of the acids created by athletes related to the imbalance of minerals in the body (cramps), it brings minerals and trace elements ...

Labelled SPORT PROTECT and AFNOR NF V94-001 standard

Our objective with our organic birch sap is to formalize its benefits. In the context of humans our birch sap has been the subject of an observational study. We are launching in 2019-2020 a clinical study with high level athletes to better identify the benefits of the organic birch sap and formalize the laboratory results. The laboratory that analyzes our organic birch sap is the NOVALIMIT laboratory in Lyon.

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